
Compensation System Optimization Research of the E-commerce Department of X company


电商行业的发展锐不可挡,传统零售业在租金等成本急剧上涨与消费者消费习惯不断改变的夹缝中举步维艰,也纷纷加入电商大军,希望开辟线上线下双通道。作为传统零售业转型电商的X公司,得益于互联网的高速发展,但也面临着日益激烈的市场竞争。转型电商比纯电商起步的企业更为不易,其发展受到传统模式的制约,因此X公司在发展中出现了诸多问题。其中人力资源问题包括如何吸引电商人才、减少人员流失和如何进行团队建设与管理成为了公司的难题之一。随着电商的发展,人才的缺口会越来越大,只有建立对内公平、对外具有吸引力的薪酬体系才能吸引人才、留住人才,让企业立于不败之地。 笔者首先阐述了薪酬的相关理论,说明了薪酬体系的研究与优...E-commerce developed rapidly and the traditional retailers faced the difficulties of the high cost such as rent and the changing consumer habits. They all tried to begin the E-commerce. They hoped to open both the online and offline sales to gain the market share. X company is a traditional retailer which change to E-commerce recently. Thanks to the rapid development of the Internet, but it is als...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792012115077

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