
Ethical Leadership and Whistleblowing Intentions:The Roles of Perceptions of Organizational Politics and Moral Courage


最近关于“假疫苗”的新闻广受热议,与之前的三聚氰胺、苏丹红等事件相似,涉案企业备受指责,但类似的事件仍层出不穷,这些都涉及到组织的伦理问题。随着组织所处环境日益多变,组织中的伦理问题也越来越复杂,越来越受到企业管理者和学者们的关注。但目前的研究视角围绕着如何促进组织中的伦理行为,很少有研究者从不伦理行为出发,从“病根”入手改善和引导组织中的不伦理行为。因此本文从员工揭发为中心,探索组织中员工揭发意向的形成机制,为领导者管理员工揭发提供有效指导,为组织激励员工揭发提供新的方向。 本文基于社会学习理论,围绕着员工揭发意向,探索伦理型领导、员工揭发意向、组织政治感知、道德勇气之间的关系。通过对重庆...The news of Fake Vaccine Event is widely talked about recently and the companies involved have been blamed similar to previous events of Melamine and Sudan Red. However, such events are emerging in endlessly concerning the ethical issue of the organization. The ethical issue of the organization is more and more complicated and being concerned by the business managers and scholars with the changing...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_企业管理学号:1762013115130

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