
A Research on Social Workers’ Service in the Psychological Education of Immigrant Works’ Teen-agers——A Case Study of “Psychological Guidance Station” in School S


中文摘要 深圳作为中国改革开放中典型的移民城市,农民工已成为一种独特群体存在于大中城市的每个角落。这些农民工子女作为一批独特群体游走于城乡之间,他们的心理健康与否已成为这些父母的重要忧虑。目前对农民工子女群体心理健康问题的研究主要还是集中在通过心理辅导的方式进行干预和帮助,另外一部分可能通过社工介入来帮助,而通过以社工方式来介入心理辅导机构的还较少,为了弥补这一不足本研究以深圳市S小学心理辅导站社工介入为例,以近四年农民工子女为研究样本,通过深度访谈,将当前农民工子女的心理健康状况进行了解分析,探明存在的主要心理问题及影响因素,并在此基础上提出维护和促进农民工子女心理健康的对策建议,这正是本...Abstract In China’s reform and opening ear, Shenzhen as a typical immigration megacity witnesses the flowing in of millions of peasant workers. Their teenage children, who frequently travel between the city and their hometown villages, constitute a special group in the city. Their psychological health is the major concern of their parents. Currently, researches on the psychological health of immi...学位:法学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_社会工作硕士学号:1402014115052

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