
Research on the problem of providing for the stayed elderly in rural areas:Based on Dali town, Shunchang county, Nanping City


近四十年来,由于农村人均可耕地面积的减少,城乡收入差距很大,为了提高生活质量,大量的农民涌入城市打工,但是许多孩子、老人甚至妇女却留在家里,成为“留守人员”,留守人员中的老人就称为留守老人。 养老一直是个老生常谈的话题,尤其是农村留守老人的养老问题,更是国家和社会关注的难点和热点。目前,养老产业正处于“三期叠加”的全面爆发前夕,加快推进养老服务业发展,是积极应对人口老龄化,满足持续增长的养老服务需求,也是全面实现“十三五”规划的一项紧迫任务。 本文结合作者自身工作环境和特点,以南平市顺昌县大历镇为例,在国内外已有的相关文献进行梳理的基础上,以问卷调查、个别访谈的方法,对顺昌县大历镇的留守老...Since China’s reform and opening-up to the outside world, the income gap of the urban and rural residents has become increasingly wider. Due to the reduction of cultivable land per capita in rural areas, farmers’ income from traditional cultivation doesn’t keep up with the economic development, thus more and more farmers choose to go to the cities and become migrant workers. This increases the fam...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392013115046

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