
Analyses of the Motivation for Intergenerational Financial Support in Urban and Rural China


中国已成为全球人口老龄化最严重的国家之一,家庭代际经济支持是保障老年人生活的重要内容。在中国城乡二元结构的背景下,理解中国家庭代际经济支持是否存在显著的城乡差异,不仅有助于厘清城乡背景、家庭结构和代际关系之间的连结,有利于预测中国城乡未来家庭代际关系变迁,同时也为针对性制定城乡地区的社会保障政策提供了研究基础。 本文通过对2011年中国健康与养老追踪调查(ChinaHealthandRetirementLongitudinalStudy,CHARLS)数据的定量分析,比较权力与协商动机(thePowerandBargainingModel)、交换(互助)动机(theMutualAidMode...China is faced with the challenges brought by the rapid ageing process. Family financial transfer is one of the most important means to support people in their later life. In the context of the significant urban and rural differences, the significance of researching family financial support in China is threefold. First, this helps to clarify the association between family structure, family values ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_社会保障学号:1392013115032

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