
Reflection and Reconstruction of Criminal Compulsory Medical Procedure in China


据统计,我国目前有精神病人1600万人,每年精神病人肇祸肇事数更是上万。但这一数据并未引起重视,我国立法中关于精神病人犯罪后处置的规定寥寥无几,直至2013年在新《刑事诉讼法》中以专篇形式引入强制医疗制度。然而,由于对强制医疗制度的意义、内涵缺乏正确认识,该制度实施的两年多来暴露出了一系列的问题,如何在现有法律框架下完善该制度使之真正成为“拯救”犯罪精神病人的利器成为摆在我们面前的一道难题。笔者试图结合我国新《刑事诉讼法》和司法解释的相关规定,结合实践案例对现行强制医疗制度进行分析,在论述该制度存在的理论意义的基础上,提出进一步完善该制度的构想,以使其能在司法实践中发挥应有的作用。 本文共分...According to statistics, there are a total number of 16 million mental patients in China currently and there are tens of thousands of the accidents induced by the mentally ill every year. However, this data has not been attached importance and the provisions of the criminal law on the disposal of mental patients in our country are very few until the compulsory medical procedure was introduced into...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:X201212005

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