
The existing situation and discussion on perfecting mechanism of integrated emergency management work in ShaoXing


近年来,在经济社会转型的关键期,我国城市公共危机事件频发,并且呈现出频率高、范围广、传播快、损失大的复合性特征。这一方面给广大群众的生命财产、经济社会的进步带来重大损失;另一方面也一定程度影响到了地方政治、经济、社会的和谐稳定、经济的发展和社会的和谐。国内广西南宁于2002年首创城市应急联系中心后,上海、深圳等先进城市也纷纷建立了较高水平的城市应急联动体系。但总体来看,这些先进城市在发挥实质性效益的专家决策和实行全民参与制的应急联动管理建设上仍然距离西方国家的纽约、伦敦和东京等发达城市有着一定的差距,在相关应急处理的法律法规体系建构上,也还有许多工作要做。绍兴现行的社会应急联动体系也存在这些普...In recent years,in the critical period of economic and social transformation, the urban public crisis happens frequently, which presents some compound characteristics of high frequency, wide range, fast spread, large loss. On the one hand, it has caused a large loss to the people's life and property as well as the development of the social economy. On the other hand, it has affected the local poli...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392011115049

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