
Study on the Treatment of High Concentrated Industrial Wastewater Containing Phenol and Aldehyde with Fenton/UV Oxidation Method


酚醛树脂具有优越的综合性能,而且价格低廉,能制成多种产品,是重要的合成树脂之一。然而,在制备酚醛树脂时会产生大量的酚醛废水,废水组成复杂,含有多种难处理的有机物,而且有机物浓度高(即化学需氧量COD高),具有很强的毒性,直接排放将对环境产生很大的危害。采用一般的处理方法难以实现好的效果,芬顿试剂(Fenton)是由过氧化氢和亚铁离子组成的试剂,过氧化氢在亚铁离子的催化作用下氧化能力强,可以对多种难处理的有机物进行有效的氧化降解,但国内主要报道了用该试剂处理实验室模拟的含酚或者含醛废水,对实际工业酚醛废水的处理研究较少,对酚醛废水有机物氧化降解途径的探究也不够详细,而且废水处理的操作方法复杂,效...With the advantages of excellent comprehensive performance and low cost, phenolic resin is widely used with high yield. However, during the process of phenolic resin production, A large amount of high concentrated wastewater is also produced, components of which are very complex, containing both phenols and aldehydes, and the chemical oxygen demand (COD) can reach as high as tens of thousands mill...学位:理学硕士院系专业:材料学院_高分子化学与物理学号:2072012115005

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