Vacuum holding fixture and method for fabricating piezoelectric polymer acoustic sensors


An apparatus and method for bonding a first film to a second film to form a sensor. The first and second films are piezoelectric films. A base section has a mating surface for holding the first film. A top section has a mating surface for holding the second film, the top section and base section being mateable together to form a cavity between the top section mating surface and the base section mating surface with the first film and the second film pressed together inside the cavity to bond the first film to the second film. An internal connection port forming mechanism forms an internal connection port between the first film and the second film when the base section and top section are mated together with the first film and the second film pressed together inside the cavity. Alternately, an internal connection tab forming mechanism can be used to form a sensor having an internal connection tab between the first and second film, instead of having an internal connection port

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