Renovation and maintenance of machine for centerless grinding


V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen postopek brušenja, podrobneje še postopek brušenja brez konic in brusilni koluti ter glavni deli stroja. Predstavljen je postopek obnove stroja, celotna demontaža in montaža stroja ter vmesna popravila s strganjem ter vse napake in težave, ki se pojavijo pri obnavljanju stroja. Opisane so tudi rešitve, spremembe in rezultati pridobljeni po končani obnovi stroja. Preden je naročnik brusilni stroj dokončno prevzel, je bila preverjena ustreznost stroja glede na podane zahteve, in sicer na lokaciji obnavljanja in kasneje še na končnem mestu prevzema stroja, kjer je bil stroj postavljen v proizvodnjo ter umeščen v delovni proces. Preverjanje je bilo osredotočeno predvsem na delovanje brusilnega stroja, ki se je ocenilo z izdelavo kosov in z izvajanjem meritev na obdelovancih. Obnovitev geometrije se je izvajala izključno s strganjem vseh naležnih in drsnih površin. S tem smo želeli izboljšati delovanje in natančnost stroja. Poleg tega je bil eden od ciljev obnove zagotoviti zanesljivo in ponovljivo nastavitev in delovanje stroja v ozkem tolerančnem območju, ki je predvideno za tovrstne stroje. Potrebno je doseči ponovljivo in stabilno območje izdelave brušenega premera izdelka v zahtevanih ozkih tolerancah znotraj 0,005 mm, kar je bilo z obnovo tudi doseženo. Na koncu naloge so predstavljeni dejansko pridobljeni rezultati obnovljenega delovnega stroja. Na osnovi le-teh so predstavljene potencialne rešitve ter nadaljnja navodila za učinkovito vzdrževanje brusilnega stroja.The thesis presents the process of sanding, moreover the process of centreless grinding and grinding wheels and the main parts of the machine were also presented in detail. Furthermore, the whole process of reconstruction of the machine, complete disassembly and assembly of the machine and interim repairs by scraping and all the errors and problems that occured when restoring the machine are described. It also describes solutions, changes and results obtained after the reconstruction of the machine. Before the subscriber finally took over the grinding machine, its adequacy was verified according to the given requirements, firstly at the site of renewal and finally at the site of acceptance, where the machine has been placed into production and in the working process. Verification was mainly focused on the operation of grinding machine, which was evaluated by pieces production and implementation of measurements on workpieces. Restore of the geometry was carried out exclusively by the scraping of all mating and sliding surfaces. With this we wanted to improve the performance and accuracy of the machine. In addition, one of the objectives of this reconstruction was to ensure reliable and repeatable setup and operation of the machine in the narrow tolerance range, which is intended for such machines. It is obligatory to achieve a reproducible and stable manufacturing area diameter of milled product in the tight tolerances, required within 0,005 mm, what was also achieved with the restoration. At the end of the thesis actual results obtained during the reconstruction are presented. On the basis of these results, potential solutions and additional instructions for regular maintenance are presented

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