Morpho-stratigraphic map of Jezero crater landing area


Geomorphologic map (1:10 000) of the delta and landing ellipse of Mars2020 Perseverance rover in Jezero crater, MarsThe rover Perseverance of the Mars2020 mission will depart to Mars in July 2020 and land on Mars in February 2021. Its landing site, Jezero crater, has been selected due to the presence of two fan deltas, inlet and outlet valleys and a huge number of aqueous landforms (fluvial and lacustrine sediments).This morpho-stratigraphic map has been produced from orbital visible imagery and its interpretations take into account the orbital facies (layers, massive, etc.) and their stratigraphic relationships, the texture and albedo of terrains, without taking into account mineralogical data. The area studied here is centered around the landing area comprising the east of the fan delta and the west of the crater floor. The map has been done at 1:10,000 scale

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