La révolution génomique concerne aussi le bovin


Genomics has brought about in its wake a true biological revolution and can be applied to all areas of life sciences. Having sequenced the genomes of several different species, genomics techniques now allow us to study polymorphisms and the gene expression of proteins, enhancing our understanding of the biological functions of genes. The combined know-how of physicists and computer scientists, as well as of geneticists and physiologists is required to identify how genes control the dynamics of cell functions. Naturally enough, it is in the sphere of human medicine that the applications of genomics look most promising. Preventive and customized medicine, adapted to the genetic potential and to the way of life of each individual, will in all probability see the light of clay in the foreseeable future. in farm animals, there is no doubt that sequencing the bovine genome will give rise to new concepts and new molecular tools which will accelerate studies in bovine genomics. Comparing the bovine genome with that of other species, including humans, is also a potential source of huge progress for both human health and ruminant husbandry in general

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    Last time updated on 21/11/2017