TGV: Tester Generic and Versatile for Radiation Effects on Advanced VLSI Circuits


International audienceThe purpose of this work is to describe a novel tester for radiation effects experiments, called TGV (Tester Generic and Versatile) based on a commercial development board ZEDBOARD. The main idea is to implement the whole DUT (Device Under Test) board architecture controlled by an FPGA, whose configuration is obtained from compiling the description of key features of the DUT in a high-level language such as C. This tester constitutes a powerful tool with generic capabilities for the functional validation and test under radiation of any digital circuit, with a particular focus on processor-like circuits. In this way, there is only a minor hardware development, limited to wiring the DUT pins to the ones of the tester connector. During the demonstration will be shown details of TGV platform, its use being illustrated be means of fault injection experiments which reproduces in a realistic way the random occurrence in time and location of SEUs in sensitive targets of the considered circuit

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