
Etika pendidik dan peserta didik menurut Al-Khatib Bagdadi dalam kitabnya Al-Jami' Li Akhlaq Ar-Rawi Wa Adar As-sami'


This research aims to clarify the ethics of educators and learners from the book al-Jāmi ' li Akhlāq al-Rāwi wa Ādāb al-Sāmi'. As for the purpose of this thesis is to find the thoughts of al-Khaṭīb al-Bagdādī on ethics of educators in his book al-Jāmi ' li Akhlāq al-Rāwi wa Ādāb al-Sāmi'. The other purpose is to find his thoughts of learners ethics especially those which are written in al-Jāmi' li Akhlāq al-Rāwi wa Ādāb al-Sāmi' and additionally, to find out the relevance of his thoughts on educators and learners ethics with ethics in education nowadays. In this research, the primary source is al-Jāmi ' li Akhlāq al-Rāwi wa Ādāb al-Sāmi' by Abū Bakr Aḥmad bin Ṡābit bin 'Alī bin Aḥmad bin Mahdi al-Khaṭīb Al-Bagdādī. As for the secondary source, the books of al-Khaṭīb al-Bagdādī and some other scholars are being examined. Content analysis is the method used in completing this thesis. As for the results of the research in this thesis is, there are three things to discuss: Firstly, the ethics of educators that is written in the book al-Jāmi' li Akhlāq al-Rāwi wa Ādāb al-Sāmi‟ which are further explored in three additional discussions'; (1) elaboration on the ethics of an educator with regard to his personality (personal); (2) elaboration on the ethics of an educator in delivering his lectures; (3) elaboration on the ethics of an educator in scientific activities. Secondly, the ethics related to learners, consists of: (1) personal Ethics; (2) ethics in interacting with educators; (3) ethics in choosing a teacher; (4) ethics of learners towards science; (5) ethics of the learners in the majlis (educational setting) and (6) ethics of learners in interaction with peers. Thirdly, the relevance of the theory of al-Khaṭīb al-Bagdādī on educators and learners ethics with the ethics of today's education are compared with the four competencies that must be owned by professional educators. As for the ethics of the learners, this study compared with 18 character values formulated by the Ministry of National Education (kemendiknas) in order to build the character of the nation

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