
The serlogical specificity of the lectin from Lens culinaris


Lens culinaris, the common lentil, contains a lectin which has been shown to be specific for a glycoprotein saliva antigen and a glycolipoprotein serum antigen. Both the saliva and serum precipitin reactions with the lectin are directly inhibited with saccharides, especially those related to D-mannose. Electrophoresis of the serum antigen showed that it migrates as three bands, while appearing as a single band in double diffusion precipitin patterns. Quantitative studies of the saliva antigen levels by hemagglutination inhibition titration indicated a polygenic, quantitative mode of inheritance with a minimum heritability of O. 34. Blood group ABH secretor individuals were found to have a significantly lower mean saliva antigen level than nonsecretor individuals. The lectins from Pisum sativum and Canavaliafiensiformis formed precipitin bands of identity with L.culinaris lectin against saliva. C. ensiformis and L. culinaris lectins exhibited precipitin bands of partial identity against serum; and P. sativum and L. culinaris lectins exhibited a pattern of identity against serum. In addition, precipitin patterns of partial identity with the non-H lectin from Lotus tetragonolobus has been demonstrated. Using Ulex europaeus lectin in hemagglutination inhibition experiments with saliva from blood group O secretor individuals, a minimum heritability of approximately 0.40 for H antigen levels was found. A higher frequency of nonsecretor individuals was observed in the Black population compared with the White population

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