
A 2D Electromagnetic PIC Code for Distributed Memory Parallel Computers


The two dimensional electrostatic plasma particle in cell (PIC) code described an [1] has been upgraded to a 2D electromagnetic PIC code running on the Caltech/JPL Mark IIIfp and the Intel iPSC/860 parallel MIMD computers. The code solves the complete time dependent Maxwell’s equations where the plasma responses, i.e., the charge and current density in the plasma, are evaluated by advancing in time the trajectories of ~ 10^6 particles in their self-consistent electromagnetic field. The field equations are solved in Fourier space. Parallelisation is achieved through domain decomposition in real and Fourier space. Results from a simulation showing a two-dimensional Alfèn wave filamentation instability are shown; these are the first simulations of this 2D Alfèn wave decay process

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