
Blow-up in a System of Partial Differential Equations with Conserved First Integral. Part II: Problems with Convection


A reaction-diffusion-convection equation with a nonlocal term is studied; the nonlocal operator acts to conserve the spatial integral of the unknown function as time evolves. The equations are parameterised by µ, and for µ = 1 the equation arises as a similarity solution of the Navier-Stokes equations and the nonlocal term plays the role of pressure. For µ = 0, the equation is a nonlocal reaction-diffusion problem. The aim of the paper is to determine for which values of the parameter µ blow-up occurs and to study its form. In particular, interest is focused on the three cases µ 1/2, and µ → 1. It is observed that, for any 0 ≤ µ ≤ 1/2, nonuniform global blow-up occurs; if 1/2 < µ < 1, then the blow-up is global and uniform, while for µ = 1 (the Navier-Stokes equations) there are exact solutions with initial data of arbitrarily large L_∞, L_2, and H^1 norms that decay to zero. Furthermore, one of these exact solutions is proved to be nonlinearly stable in L_2 for arbitrarily large supremum norm. An understanding of this transition from blow-up behaviour to decay behaviour is achieved by a combination of analysis, asymptotics, and numerical techniques

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