
The infrared properties of galaxy clusters - IRAS observations of the Hercules Cluster (Abell 2151)


A total of 41 sources have been detected at 60 μm to a level of 50 mJy in a 1.∘6 x 0.∘5 field centered on the rich galaxy cluster Abell 2151. Twenty-four of these sources can be identified with late-type spiral galaxies of estimated photographic magnitude 17 or brighter. Galaxies classified as E or SO are notably absent in the infrared data. Within the field, eleven of the IRAS sources cannot be easily identified with galaxies in the Hercules Cluster. If the brightest 60 μm cluster source (NGC 6045) is neglected, the integral luminosity function in the far-infrared can be fitted well with two power laws of slope -1.1 and - 2.5

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