
The ISO-IRAS Faint Galaxy Survey will obtain comprehensive space- and ground-based observations of the most distant and luminous galaxies in the IRAS Faint Source Survey. ISO observations are obtained by filling short gaps in the ISO observing schedule with pairs of 11.5μm ISOCAM and 90μm ISOPHOT observations. As of the October 1997 date of this Conference, over 500 sources have been observed by ISO with an ISOCAM detection rate exceeding 803. Ground-based spectrophotometry confirms that the IIFGS efficiently detects moderateredshift, strong emission line Luminous Infrared Galaxies. Spectrophotometry is currently available for 67 galaxies with 0.07 < z < 0. 7 and L_(fir) > 10^(11) L_☉. The galaxies are comparable to nearby LIGs, showing HII/Liner excitation; about 10% exhibit strong AGN characteristics. As a part of this survey we will cover over 1.25 square degrees of sky to an 11.5μm limit of approximately l.0mJy, allowing a sensitive estimate of the 11.5μm logN-logS Relationship. Preliminary ll.5μm source counts suggest substantial evolution in the mid-infrared galaxy population

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