One Hundred Studies of the Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, and Nitrogen Metabolism and Requirement of Young Women


The present study was undertaken to add appreciably to the data available on the metabolism of calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, and nitrogen of young women on their customary self-chosen diets. It was planned to use the figures for the retentions or losses of these dietary essentials which occurred at various levels of intake to determine the requirement of the subjects and to evaluate the adequacy of present adult dietary standards for young women. The fact that the girls were living on self-chosen diets warrants emphasis. A large proportion of the subjects were doing light housekeeping and brought much of their food supply with them from their rural homes. It is likely that their dietary practices at the university were similar to those they had followed during previous years at home and that they were adhering to their customary pattern of food habits even though cost might have modified these habits somewhat. This group offered an opportunity to study the dietary practices which had been developed during childhood and which may have had a relation to their present nutritional status

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