
Audio-Visual Renderings for Multimedia Navigation


Presented at the 16th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2010) on June 9-15, 2010 in Washington, DC.Our study focuses on multimodal information access to audiovisual databases, and evaluates the effect of combining the visual modality with audio information. To do so, we have developed two new exploration tools, which extend two information visualization techniques, namely Fisheye Lens (FL) and Pan&Zoom (PZ), to the auditory modality. The FL technique combined coherent distortion of graphics, sound space and volume. The PZ technique was designed without visual distortion but with low audio volume distortion. Both techniques were evaluated perceptually using a target finding task with both visual-only and audio-visual renderings. We did not find significant differences between audio-visual and visual-only conditions in terms of completion times. However we did find significant differences in participant’s qualitative evaluations of difficulty and efficiency. In addition, 63% of participants preferred the multimodal interface. For FL, the majority of participants judged the visual-only rendering as less efficient and appreciated the benefit of the audio rendering. But for PZ, they were satisfied with the visual-only rendering and evaluated the audio rendering as distracting. We conclude with future design specifications

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