Wydawnictwo Naukowe Europejskiej Wyższej Szkoły Biznesu
The subject of the study presented in this chapter concerns ESP presentations delivered
by BA students of humanities which include examples of intentional high brow humour based
on semantic incongruity and the use of poetic imagery.
The skill of creating humorous messages is perceived in the context of the ability to think
critically, as perceived by Don and Alleen Nilsen in the Linguistic Humor presentation. The
appropriateness of their use is delineated by the boundaries set by Ronald A. Berk in Professors
are from Mars and students are from snickers and Giselinde Kuipers in Humor and social
In principle, the humour used in presentations does not aim at entertainment. It helps student
presenters strive to create and deliver original content according to course principles in order to
1. deepen their own and the listener’s understanding of the subject discussed, 2. involve them
in individual and group language practice in class and on the e-learning platform.
Action research carried out during classes included the collection of statistical data concerning
evaluation of the presentation and of its delivery, and of the use of humour as well as the obtaining
of additional information from students’ comments.
Detailed analysis of these data shows that the ability to create and purposefully use humorous
material is not connected with students’ language competence but rather with their ability to
think critically and willingness to expend intellectual effort