
Stabilität von Ertrag und Backqualität einer Sortenmischung von Winterweizen im Vergleich zur Reinsaat


According to literature, variety mixture of winter wheat mostly show higher yield stability and lower disease infestation than pure stands. A three variety mixture was compared to the varieties in pure stands and the calculated mean of the three varieties at all in all six different sites in Bavaria over five years (2004-2008). The varieties differ concerning yield potential, baking quality and disease resistance. The mixture and the calculated mean of the three varieties in pure stands did not differentiate concerning yield, baking quality (baking volume, crude protein and wet gluten content) and disease appearance. Yield stability was higher for mixture than for pure stands above all regarding the predictability. In contrast, stability of baking volume was lower for variety mixture. The variety mixture (slope: 0.82) was least able to improve its baking volume to improved site potential (expressed as mean of all variants) than the varieties in pure stands (slopes between 0.96 and 1.19). This indicates that pure stands might be better able to profit from better growing conditions than mixture. Highest stability show the calculated mean of the pure stands

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