Therapeutical innovations and medical responsibility: What's new in oto-laryngology


On one hand the incessant and constant technological and instrumental progress in the medical fieldhas allowed to increase knowledge and to reach new objectives. On the other hand, however, it has also raised the risk linked to professional responsibility, regarding informed consent and law 24/2017 of the Italian Republic, better known as Gelli Bianco. In this work an analysis of relevant literature will be presented, followed by a study on the role of new devices on responsibility profiles in otolaryngology. According to the analysis of the Italian law and considering the weaknesses ofthe above mentioned guidelines, pending legal administrative clarifications, we believe an operational protocol can be proposed in case of application of therapeutical innovations, especially about experimental introductions. Consequently, in our opinion, the risk of incrimination persists in case of use of innovative procedures in the absence of a formal shared opinion expressed in guidelines or in good practices, which still need a satisfactory definition

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