Geodinámica holocénica y reciente del sistema fluvio-deltáico Grijalva-Usumacinta, suroeste del Golfo de México


The Coastal Plain al southwestern Gulf of Mexico, since Quaternary to Recent, resulted from the supply of terrigenous sediments, due lo denudation of the outcropping rocks of the Sierra Madre del Sur and also becausetheefficiency of the transport, dispersion and deposition of the coastal process by means of littoralcurrents, waves, tides, eolian, and washovers. Moreover, the continental and marine conditions were favorable during the late Holocene (5600 years) to depositextensiveprogradingterrigenous sediments toward the Gulf of Mexico, developed by berms and beach-ridge deposits with arate of northernprocreation about 6 to 10 meters/year. The coastal plain suffered a tectonic reactivation and as consequence the holocenicsedimentary deposits moved 7.5 km northwestern along a fault transcurrent system with a rate of 4 m/year; then, the fluvial, deltaic fronts were exposed to the action of the erosional coastal processes. Contemporaneously to thistectonicdisplacements, eastern block moved along the Xicalango-Fault lo the southeast and the stratigraphicsequence al Punta Xicalango al the eastern portion of the studiedarea,resulted from the sediments derived from the denudationof the fluvial-deltaic front al western side of the studiedarea. The complex-deltaic front, is undergoingerosion today at rate of 3 to 4meters/year, same speed as such of that of the tectonic displacements occurredduringHolocene; also erosion occurs dueto the scarcity of sand and becamethepresence of anticyclonic ring marinecurrent transporting the sedimentsnorthwestern and also, because the collision of a loop current anticyclonic ring against the continental shelf-slope, which also transport the sediments along the coastal zone of the western Gulf of Mexico; moreover, maybe erosion occurs because global climate changes. Therefore, under the actual sedimentary and marine hydrodynamics, possibility is low that Grijalva-Usumacinta fluvial-deltaic complex system progrades northern

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