Inhibición de la actividad hemaglutinante de algunas macroalgas marinas de las cosas de México


Lectins are proteins or glycoproteins that selective hind sugars. The inhibition of hemaglutination activity has been used as a detection probe for this molecules. Agglutination assays were done with human erythrocytes O, A and B positive groups, testing 44 algal extracts (32 species) as aglutinants. Four extracts showed evident agglutination, 3 Chlorophyta: Codium giraffa Silva, Codium istmocladum Vickers and Ulva lactuca Linnaeus, one Rhodophyta Hypnea spinella (C. Ag.) Kützing. The inhibition of hemagglutinat activity in Codium giraffa, Codium isthmocladum y Ulva latuca were due to N­ acetylglucosamine. No inhibition was observed by none of the sugars used in this work for Hypnea spinella extract

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