
Geofd: un paquete R para predicción geoestadística de datos funcionales


Spatially correlated curves are present in a wide range of applied disciplines. In this paper we describe the R package geofd which implements ordinary kriging prediction for this type of data. Initially the curves are pre-processed by fitting a Fourier or B-splines basis functions. After that the spatial dependence among curves is estimated by means of the tracevariogram function. Finally the parameters for performing prediction by ordinary kriging at unsampled locations are by estimated solving a linear system based estimated trace-variogram. We illustrate the software analyzing real and simulated data.Curvas espacialmente correlacionadas están presentes en un amplio rango de disciplinas aplicadas. En este trabajo se describe el paquete R geofd que implementa predicción por kriging ordinario para este tipo de datos. Inicialmente las curvas son suavizadas usando bases de funciones de Fourier o Bsplines. Posteriormente la dependencia espacial entre las curvas es estimada por la función traza-variograma. Finalmente los parámetros del predictor kriging ordinario son estimados resolviendo un sistema de ecuaciones basado en la estimación de la función traza-variograma. Se ilustra el paquete analizando datos reales y simulados.We would like to thank Andrés Pérez for his valuable contribution to upload the package geofd to CRAN. This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science through grants MTM2010-14961 and MTM2009- 13985-C02-01

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