Aeration, Phosphorous, and Lime Affect Nitrogen Mineralization in Imperfectly Drained Forest Soils


Unamended, limed, and phosphorus-enriched Caddo, Beauregard, and Wrightsville silt loams (A1 horizon) were incubated for six months at room temperature under two moisture regimes. At field capacity, unamended soils lost 0.7% of organic matter and converted 166 ppm of organic nitrogen to inorganic forms. Ninety-five percent of the converted nitrogen was present as N₄-H or NO₃-N. Limed and phosphorus-treated soils at field capacity lost about 1.0% of organic matter and accumulated 191 to 201 ppm of inorganic nitrogen. Submerged soils lost very little organic matter and accumulated only 24 to 28 ppm of inorganic nitrogen. There was a loss of 35 to 78 ppm of nitrogen from the submerged soils, presumably through denitrification

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