Comparison of the Symbiotic Fauna of the Family Plethodontidae in the Ouachita Mountains of Western Arkansas


During the spring of 1985, 101 salamanders representing six host species (29 Plethodon ouachitae, 25 P. caddoensis, 6 P. fourchensis, 23 P. serratus, 13 Desmognathus brimleyorum, and 5 P. glutinosus glutinosus) were collected from six localities in three counties in Arkansas (Polk, Scott, and Montgomery) and examined for symbionts. With the exception of Hannemania dunni, all symbionts recovered from the first five species listed constitute new host records, and the endoparasitic fauna in all species establish new locality records. Examinations revealed one or more species of parasites in 82% of the hosts. Eight species of symbionts (3 nematode, 1 trematode, 1 cestode, 1 protozoan, 1 arthropod, and 1 cystacanth acanthocephalon) were recovered. Conclusions are based on the three host species examined in the largest numbers. Thelandros magnavulvularis and H. dunni were the most commonly occurring parasites, found in five and four host species respectively. Cepedietta michiganensis was restricted to P. ouachitae and Brachycoelium storeriae to P. caddoensis. Hannemania dunni was absent in P. serratus

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