
(Re)Animating the Horror Genre: Explorations in Children\u27s Animated Horror Films


This project seeks to define the subgenre of children\u27s animated horror film by examining its classification within the children\u27s film genre and its use of generic conventions of horror. While this project does not aim to conflate children\u27s film as a genre and animation as a medium, the scope of this project will be limited to children\u27s animated horror films from 1993 - present day. In order to explore the subgenre of children\u27s animated horror films from 1993-present, I will focus specifically on the following films: Tim Burton\u27s The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993), Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were Rabbit (2005), Tim Burton\u27s Corpse Bride (2006), Monster House (2006), Igor (2008), Coraline (2009), 9 (2009), Frankenweenie (2012), Hotel Transylvania (2012), and ParaNorman (2012). These films not only raise questions about children and childhood, but also specifically engage in the generic conventions of horror through various monsters, use of comedy, gender stereotypes, and generic hybridity. By engaging in conversations with the conventions of horror films, children\u27s animated horror film legitimates its status as a horror subgenre, not merely simple children\u27s films

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