
A New Design Method for Vanadium Redox Batteries in Renewable Energy Systems


This study investigated the behavior of vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFBs), which are batteries capable of easily switching between charging and discharging modes, making them a suitable option for storing intermittent sources of alternative energies (solar, wind, etc). Since different sizes of the battery provide varying voltages, optimal parameters for a particular home are key for implementation. These parameters, specifically the cell and tank volumes of the battery that are capable of providing consistent on-load voltage, were determined using data from a 13 kW solar array and a medium-sized house. Charge/discharge current values were used to run a mathematical model that provided on-load voltage over time graphs based on parameter input values. Using this model, the optimal parameter values were found to be 11.5 L for the cell volume and 103.7 L for the tank volume, which maintenained the on-load voltage well above 0.80 V (10% of cell standard emf)

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