
Spirituality and the God Question


The tenth anniversary of this excellent journal is not only a good occasion to celebrate its present stature and the tireless, talented leadership of its founder and editor Douglas Burton–Christie but, at least for some of us, to recall with affection and appreciation the initial venture, Christian Spirituality Bulletin: The Journal of the Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality, which began in 1993 and became Spiritus, A Journal of Christian Spirituality in 2000. And it also provides the opportunity to raise a question for the present and the future which is perhaps subtly revealed in the continuity and discontinuity of the respective titles of the two phases of the publication. The continuity is in the words “Christian Spirituality.” But there is a slight shading of difference in that the current journal no longer limits itself to its role as the official organ of the SSCS. The Society itself has increasingly expanded its interaction with all aspects of spirituality and it has broadened its concerns beyond the academy and its participants. The question I want to raise has to do with how this expansion and broadening has affected, might affect, and perhaps should or should not affect the notion of Christian spirituality as the focus of the Society and the journal

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