"Les suites des suites": Alexandre Dumas's Le Comte de Monte-Cristo and the News


Taking as its subject Alexandre Dumas’s Le Comte de Monte-Cristo\textit{Le Comte de Monte-Cristo} (1844-46), this article explores what the literary critic Alfred Nettement dubbed the newspaper’s ‘influence contagieuse’ under the July Monarchy, and considers the impact of journalism on this ever-popular roman-feuilleton\textit{roman-feuilleton}. Reading Dumas’s text alongside the writings of nineteenth-century critics, the article traces the ways in which Monte-Cristo\textit{Monte-Cristo} reflects on the pressures and rhythms of serial publication – not simply as a consequence of its structure but as a thematic concern crucial to particular strands of its meandering narrative. The problem of endings is central here, with Monte-Cristo\textit{Monte-Cristo} emblematic of the ways in which the possibility of closure is repeatedly deferred in the roman-feuilleton\textit{roman-feuilleton} – replaced, instead, by a series of suites

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