Imaging Periglacial Stripes using Ground Penetrating Radar at the 'GRIM' training site, Grimes Graves, Breckland, Norfolk


The geological structure of periglacial patterned ground made visible by heather ‘tiger’ stripes at the GRIM Military Training Site, Breckland, Norfolk was investigated using Ground Penetrating Radar. A tripartite deposit model comprising an upper pellet chalk, a gravelly diamicton and a lower chalk rubble, overlying bedrock Upper Chalk is proposed. Frost cracks active during the Devensian Stage appear to have allowed the diamicton to ‘heave’ to the surface during solifluction. Coversand has been deposited in the gullies formed by the frostcracks during the Devensian. It is the acidic coversand that supports the growth of heather and makes this site of both geological and ecological interest

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