
Proposing a weighting function for adjusting the Global Information Technology Report Networked Readiness Index Framework


The Global Information Technology Report (GITR) has since 2002 been publishing the Networked Readiness Index (NRI) ratings for a number of countries under the auspices of the World Economic Forum. A number of authors have suggested that the credibility of the NRI is called into question by the non-transparent manner in which the authors report the sources of the data and the methodology that was followed to collect the raw data. Furthermore, that it is clear that there is no fixed formula for the economic policy that suit every individual country, but various widespread procedures normally share some common characteristics. This paper offers a weighting function for adjusting the current NRI final computation based on existing framework. The author claims that computing of the NRI rankings based on this new improved weighting function will minimize the so called ‘digital divide’ alluded to in this paper. It is argued that computing of the NRI rankings based on the author’s proposed weighting function would be more acceptable to the NRI community, by adjusting the current computed final NRI ratings for the benefit of all the economies deemed capable of being members of the GITR NRI community

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