
The ν\nuTHDM with the Inverse Seesaw Mechanisms


In this paper, we combine the ν\nu-Two-Higgs-Doublet-Model (ν\nuTHDM) with the inverse seesaw mechanisms. In this model, the Yukawa couplings involving the sterile neutrinos and the exotic Higgs bosons can be of order one in the case of a large tanβ\tan \beta. We calculated the corrections to the Z-resonance parameters RliR_{l_i}, AliA_{l_i}, NνN_{\nu}, together with the l1l2γl_1 \rightarrow l_2 \gamma branching ratios, and the muon anomalous g2g-2. Compared with the current bounds and plans for the future colliders, we find that the corrections to the electroweak parameters can be contrained or discovered in much of the parameter space

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