
An infra-red finger tracking system used in the assessment and remediation of “graph-as-picture” misconceptions


The workshop presentation will describe a specialized ap- plication of Lee’s “Wiimote Whiteboard” [7] an infra-red camera based tracking system which uses the Nintendo Wii wireless remote control unit and Bluetooth. Young students wear a very small infra-red LED on their index finger with a forefinger/thumb operated micro-switch for produ- cing “mouse clicks”. This system is combined with a vertically mounted data projector or a horizontally mounted regular computer LCD display, creating a cost-effective large interactive touch surface. The system has a fast response time and has been used with primary school students in diagrammatic knowledge (graphicacy) assessment [4] and in interactive dynalinked diagrammatic applications [5]. These applications were de- signed to investigate the “graph-as-picture” misconception and they will be described and demonstrated at the workshop

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