Brachyradia, a new genus of the tribe Exechiini (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) from the Oriental and Australasian regions


Brachyradia, new genus, is proposed and described for two new species of the tribe Exechiini (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) from the Oriental and Australasian regions. The type species, Brachyradia asianca, new species, is described from Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia (Sulawesi), and a second species, Brachyradia australis, new species, from Indonesia (Sulawesi) and Papua New Guinea. The systematic position of the new genus and the zoogeography of the tribe Exechiini are discussed. The new genus shows close-it affinities with Brevicornu with interconnections towards Cordyla, Neallodia, and Anatella. As the latter genera have been considered among the most primitive taxa of the tribe, Brachyradia may generate new and interesting questions about polarities of characters, direction of morphological transformations, and the zoogeographical origin of the Exechiini genera

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