Optimizing A Readout Protocol For Low Dose Retrospective Osl-Dosimetry Using Household Salt


The authors' aim has been to find a single aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) protocol that accurately recovers an unknown absorbed dose in the region between 1-250 mGy in household salt. The main investigation has been conducted on a specific mine salt (>98.5% NaCl) intended for household use, using optical stimulation by blue LED (lambda = 462 nm). The most accurate dose recovery for this brand of salt is found to be achieved when using Peak Signal Summing (PSS) of the OSL-decay and a preheat temperature of 200 degrees C after the test dose. A SAR protocol for the household salt with preset values of regenerative doses (R1-R5) and a test dose (TED) of 17 mGy is also suggested here. Under laboratory conditions, the suggested protocol recovers unknown absorbed doses in this particular brand within 5% (2 SD) in the dose range between 1-250 mGy. This is a very promising result for low dose applications of household salt as a retrospective dosimeter after a nuclear or radiological event. Health Phys. 102(6):631-636;201

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