Model representation of sand tests


A non-associated plasticity model for friction materials was presented by Krenk (1999) and an efficient calibration procedure developed by Ahadi & Krenk (1999). The ability of the model to represent the behaviour of sand was verified by calibrating the model from different sets of triaxial drained tests for both loose and dense sand performed at different confining pressures. This paper is a collection of calibration and prediction examples. The model was calibrated according to the procedure described in Ahadi & Krenk (1999) and results were compared to experimental data from Borup & Hedegaard (1995) and Ibsen & Jakobssen (1996). The obtained material parameters indicate that the shear modulus GG should increase with the mean stress, while the increase of the bulk stiffness should be less than linear. The dependency on mean stress is studied by fitting a power law function for both GG and kappakappa. Finally prediction for undrained (constant volume) test at different initial pressures are presented with material parameter determined from drained triaxial test data

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