Fetthaltiga mjukdelstumörer i rörelseapparaten ofta godartade.


Most musculoskeletal soft tissue tumors are benign, lipoma being the most common. Malignant soft tissue tumors may be difficult to clinically distinguish from benign.Scandinavian recommendations are that all lesions suspicious for sarcoma be referred to a sarcoma center. This has led to improved tumor control and less post-operative functional deficits.Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can reliably diagnose lipomas, and further work-up is not necessary. Lipomas can be treated at the local hospital.All deep seated musculoskeletal tumors (under the muscle fascia) not unequivocally lipomas should be referred to a sarcoma center.All superficial (subcutaneous) musculoskeletal tumors larger than 5 cm and not unequivocally lipomas should be referred to a sarcoma center

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