Pulsed Multipole Injection for the MAX IV Storage Rings


The MAX IV facility presently under construction will include two storage rings for the production of synchrotron radiation. The 3 GeV ring will house insertion devices for the production of x-rays while the 1.5 GeV ring will serve UV and IR users. Both rings will be operated at a constant 500 mA of stored current with top-up shots supplied by the 3.5 GeV MAX IV linac acting as a full-energy injector. So far, injection into both storage rings has been designed us- ing a conventional approach: a closed four-kicker injection bump brings the stored beam to the septum blade where the injected bunches are captured in a single turn. Recently, studies have been carried out to investigate the feasibility of using a pulsed multipole for injection into the storage rings. Pulsed multipole injection does not require an injec- tion bump and has the potential to make top-up injection transparent to users. This paper reports on these studies and summarizes requirements for the pulsed sextupole magnet to be installed for injection into the MAX IV storage rings

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