Mixed Metallic and Organic Transuranic Waste Incineration / Vitrification - 17539


International audienceTransuranic wastes are produced by the nuclear fuel cycle management, essentially from MOX fuel production units. These waste, contaminated with Uranium and Plutonium, have large composition variability and enclose, in current temporary conditioning, mixed metals and organics. Metals are mainly stainless steel, aluminum or copper and organics are composed of different kind of plastics, highly chlorinated for some.On purpose, a new treatment process is being studied to incinerate the organics, melt the metallic fraction and incorporate the mineral residue fraction in a glass matrix. This paper presents the outlines of the process feasibility studies waste main characteristics, process specifications and main technical options, RetD strategy, mixed glass / metal package description, basic studies needed to develop the process and the matrix (glass/metal redox reactions, actinides partitioning

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