The epidermal growth factor-like domains of factor IX. Effect on blood clotting and endothelial cell binding of a fragment containing the epidermal growth factor-like domains linked to the gamma-carboxyglutamic acid region


The binding of factor IX to cultured bovine endothelial cells was characterized using isolated domains of bovine factor IX. An NH2-terminal fragment that consists of the gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) region linked to the two epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domains bound to the endothelial cells with the same affinity as intact factor IX, indicating that the serine protease part of factor IX is not involved in binding. This fragment also inhibited the factor IXa beta'-induced clotting of plasma at a concentration that would suggest a competition for phospholipid binding sites. However, after proteolytic removal of the Gla region from the fragment, the two EGF-like domains inhibited clotting almost as effectively, suggesting a direct interaction between this part of the molecule and the cofactor, factor VIIIa. Using affinity-purified Fab fragments against the Gla region, the EGF-like domains, and the serine protease part, it was observed that the serine protease part of the molecule undergoes a large conformational change upon activation, whereas the Gla region and the EGF-like domains appear to be unaffected. All three classes of Fab fragments were equally efficient as inhibitors of the factor IXa beta'-induced clotting reaction. Part of factor Va and factor VIIIa have significant sequence homology to a lectin. We therefore investigated the effect on in vitro clotting of the recently identified unique disaccharide Xyl alpha 1-3Glc, that is O-linked to a serine residue in the NH2-terminal EGF-like domain of human factor IX (Hase, S., Nishimura, H., Kawabata, S.-I., Iwanaga, S., and Ikenaka, T. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 1858-1861). However, no effect on blood clotting was observed in the assay system used. Our results are compatible with a model in which the serine protease part provides the specificity of the binding of factor IXa to factor VIIIa-phospholipid, but that the EGF-like domain(s) also contributes to the interaction of the enzyme with its cofactor

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