Exploring the Software Verification and Validation Process with Focus on Efficient Fault Detection


Quality is an aspect of high importance in software development projects. The software organizations have to ensure that the quality of their developed products is what the customers expect. Thus, the organizations have to verify that the product is functioning as expected and validate that the product is what the customers expect. Empirical studies have shown that in many software development projects as much as half of the projected schedule is spent on the verification and validation activities. The research in this thesis focuses on exploring the state of practice of the verification and validation process and investigating methods for achieving efficient fault detection during the software development. The thesis aims at increasing the understanding of the activities conducted to verify and validate the software products, by the means of empirical research in the software engineering domain. A survey of eleven Swedish software development organizations investigates the current state of practice of the verification and validation activities, and how these activities are managed today. The need for communicating and visualising the verification and validation process was expressed during the survey. Therefore the usefulness of process simulations was evaluated in the thesis. The simulations increased the understanding of the relationships between different activities among the involved participants. In addition, an experiment was conducted to compare the performance of the two verification and validation activities, inspection and testing. In the future work, empirical research, including experiment results, will be used for calibration and validation of simulation models, with focus on using simulation as a method for decision support in the verification and validation process

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