Patient pathways into healthcare – the need for matching? Naples Forum on Service Proceeding 2015-06-09--12


Background: Due to a lack of coordination of care flow events and uncertain capacity coordination, long patient waiting times for patients arise, entailing a medical risk and contributing towards capacity being utilized less effectively. Healthcare services are often said to be crucial to coordinate in order to create equally good availability for care-seekers. Could healthcare matching become the solution of this problem?Purpose: One aim is to discuss the need for healthcare matching as the solution of the problem. Another is to discuss the main barriers to matching.Methodology: Inspired by the concepts of matching and value co- creation and drawing on a detailed analysis of patient statements from studies in the Swedish healthcare, and experiences from the coordination of patients of Region Skåne in Sweden as well as research into the effects of the reform on a certain care guarantee the need for and barriers against healthcare matching is discussed.Findings: There is a need for healthcare matching because many patients are waiting for care and because capacity should be used effectively. Healthcare matching is a service offered to the care-seeker and referrers increasing the prerequisites for equal availability to all care-seekers.Implications: To achieve healthcare matching, several political and economic aspects must be put on the agenda for discussion.2Key words: barriers, capacity, co-ordination, healthcare, matching, value co-creatio

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