Regional Income Inequalities among EU NUTS 2 Regions, 1995 and 2010: Perspectives from a Geographically Weighted Approach. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft|Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft - Band 155 155|


The paper provides an investigation of inequalities in GDP per capita among European Union regions at the NUTS 2 level using a spatial weighting of the Index of Dissimilarity at two differing bandwidths, each based on calculations from one of over 260 regional centroids for both 1995 and 2010. Maps of inequality indices generated in this fashion provide a new view of relative levels of geographically weighted regional inequality from the perspective of each region. The study looks at changes in inequality patterns between 1995 and 2010, and reports results similar to previous studies. Inequalities among all EU regions appear to be declining as the result of decreasing inequalities between Eastern and Western Europe, though at the more local level, inequalities have increased in a number of cases

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