Bleeding disorders : functionality of global haemostasis assays in attaining clinical outcomes : a review


Abstract: Many tests used to evaluate haemostasis correspond to artificially created environments. These include some of the traditional screening tests, which were established through understanding the coagulation cascade for example, the prothrombin time (PT), the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and Fibrinogen estimation. And as such, they have contributed greatly to our current knowledge of the haemostatic process. Unfortunately, these traditional laboratory tests have their limitations. Open to debate for example, is their ability to supply enough information timeously (? laboratory turnaround time) in order to diagnose and treat patients according to their phenotype. Anarchetypical shift in haemostasis measurements using global haemostasis tests that determine the complete process in a more physiological and all-inclusive way are consequently being reevaluated..

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