
Students confidence level towards the use of technology integration in learning movement skills


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a multimedia sports courseware in teaching movement skills, which will be developed based on the Simpson’s Psychomotor Domain Taxonomy. Integrated with a video analysis technology and simulation, the courseware would be developed for sport subjects in the sports science syllabus. However, this paper highlights one objectives of the study, which investigated students’ confidence level towards the use of technology integration in learning movement skills. Overall, 30 undergraduate students?majoring in sports science in one Malaysian university?were involved. The tool was a questionnaire supported by some interviews and observation. The results showed that student’s feel more confidence to perform their skills and using this technology integration strategy training had a significant positive effect in movement skills learning. Conclusion was that as expected, this courseware promote students to a more advanced learning process that can trigger positive effects in their movement skills learning

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