
The need for problem-based learning in Nigerian secondary school chemistry lesson


Education is a vital instrument for human capital development. Chemistry is one of the basic sciences responsible for development of any nation. Chemistry students are expected to be equipped with 21 century competences and skills. The purpose of this article is to stress the need for implementation of PBL in Nigerian secondary school chemistry lessons. Teaching and learning in Nigeria does not produce students with the required skills and competencies, because of traditional instructions by teachers, bad learning environment and inadequate facilities.PBL is a process in which students develop problem solving skills and flexible knowledge through collaborative and self-directed learning under teachers guide. The process also facilitates the learning of three levels of chemical representations and the students’ alternative conceptions in chemistry. PBL was pioneered for medical students in the 60s, to relate the knowledge acquired in the university to students future professional practice. It was letter extended to other sciences. PBL has its theoretical bases from Cognitivists and Constructivists psychologists.In conclusion, the authors suggested for implementation of PBL in Nigerian secondary schools.Therefore they will investigate how the process of its implementation in chemistry lessons with the aim of developing a suitable PBL Model for Nigeria

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